
"Consider: a vagina stargate.
The future of transportation.

It's simple! Enter one vagina and exit immediately through another.
Regardless of distance.

Yes, the vagina stargate ushers in a new era of transportation, inspired by countless hours of science fiction and pornography.

The plan is foolproof.
We have already succeeded.

[Images of travel brochure to be included]*"

*editor's note: I don't think the world is quite ready for images of such revolutionary innovation.

bad dream

last night I dreamed that I married Chad Kroger (yes, the ratty lead of Nickelback) just because he bought me a beautiful necklace.

I feel that this dream speaks volumes about my character and suddenly, my day is ruined. I honestly can't think of a worse way to begin or end a day. Nickelback, for chrissakes.