
A look in
the mirror tells me
I could cut my hair tonight.

Don't you remember that feeling you get sometimes, if not usually, after you cut your hair? A hesitant moment, spanning days and nights, as your head acclimatizes itself to the shift in weight.
Maybe you can see better now with the hair out of your eyes.
Maybe you stagger, blinded by light, unfiltered
and you can't seem to hide the fact that you have been sleeping through class
and your best friend's wedding.

I could cut my hair tonight,
shave off those snakes
and watch as all those paralysing secrets slither away.


there's nothing lady-like about you
on your back, capsized on the sidewalk.

cross your legs, pull down your
skirt, narrow your eyes, your gaze
on nothing in particular.

here you are, kicking a goddamn
tantrum. sun on your belly like the hot breath
of a man until he

stomps you clean through.